Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Prototype Complete

I was recently squirreled away in the Rocky Mountains of Canada, so I couldn't make updates over the wire. However, I have successful completed the prototype mono coverage tool.

So far, I have only ran the program on a small set of data and coverage data, so I cannot make any bold statements about any glaring mismatches in unit testing. However, I do have some observations.
  • Statements that are uncovered, tend to be paths for exceptional behavior.
  • I think more levels of coverage should be supported: Branch, conditionals, etc.
  • The monocov tool could use a good round of refactoring.
Some stumbling blocks included
  • extra hoops in building mono as a non-root user (prefixes, no ldconfig, etc)
  • The monocov tool's export was intended for pretty presentation, rather than exporting to other tools.
Outstanding tasks include:
  • Frequency information isn't accounting for overloads.
  • Need to collect all coverage information and run the tool over several field binaries.
Phase 2 developments steps include implementing CodeRank to weight the frequency, and introducing an alternative user interface for viewing the data.


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